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  • https://pmb.stimbudibakti.ac.id/doc/
  • https://library.stimbudibakti.ac.id/source/
  • https://tracerstudy.sttpj.ac.id/data/
  • slot gacor/
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  • https://renata.bpsdmd.jatengprov.go.id/public/data/
  • https://elibrary.staiduba.ac.id/
  • https://stikesphi.ac.id/file/
  • http://elearning.politeknikssr.ac.id/dosen/data/
  • https://sidamulya-sidareja.cilacapkab.go.id/
  • https://www.liga367.id/
  • https://liga367.shop/
  • Survival of any business!! - THE YOUNG TREPS
    The survival of any business depends on building a loyal legion of clients. Clients that will stand by the business for reasons deep like what the business stands for, what the business is about, the business’s values. This is something that takes time to build because these clients have to understand the business deep enough to appreciate these things.
    I tell people most of the clients we have now are people who have been following YOUNG TREPS for over 3 years. They know and appreciate our story. They know who we are and what we stand for. They fell in love with the soul of the business for lack of a better word.

    Often times I or the company gets tagged alot in social media posts of people looking for our kind services and I can tell you that 90% of the times we never get these clients even when we have over 8 tags (online referrals/recommendations) on these posts. I took time to try and understand why this was so. If a person had about 10 people telling them these people are the best, they’re your go to guys why wouldn’t they want to work with us? It then dawned on me that they didn’t really know who we were and appreciate what we were about. Their yard stick for our competence or value didn’t stretch beyond things like price.

    The only thing they knew about us besides the refferals they were given was the price we’d told them and their judgement about us was based solely on that. They didn’t understand or appreciate the value that came along with it. For that reason I personally stopped chasing after clients we got recommended to online that didn’t really understand or know the soul of the business.Those that did didn’t need a second recommendation to get to us did and had things running.

    It’s for that reason that a big part of our marketing strategy is about sharing ourselves with the people. Our story, our values, our beliefs and soul. Not necessarily trying to sell but sharing our ourselves as a business with them. Despite being a long term journey it’s always rewarding and sustainable because it creates a relationship and bond beyond mere transactions and business is about relationships.

    Jaluum Herberts Luwizza is a Speaker,Writer, Columnist with the C.E.O Magazine and Contributor with the Nile Post.He is also a Business Consultant with YOUNG TREP East Africa’s No.1 Business Management and Consultancy firm that helps people start and grow profitable businesses.
    0700155232 | 0787555919 | whatsapp 0716223986.
  • https://repository.stai-iu.ac.id/
  • https://sejurnal.com/
  • https://www.hinorajanyatruk.com/
  • https://pmb.stimbudibakti.ac.id/doc/
  • https://library.stimbudibakti.ac.id/source/
  • https://tracerstudy.sttpj.ac.id/data/
  • slot gacor/
  • slot gacor
  • https://renata.bpsdmd.jatengprov.go.id/public/data/
  • https://elibrary.staiduba.ac.id/
  • https://stikesphi.ac.id/file/
  • http://elearning.politeknikssr.ac.id/dosen/data/
  • https://sidamulya-sidareja.cilacapkab.go.id/
  • https://www.liga367.id/
  • https://liga367.shop/
  • https://repository.stai-iu.ac.id/
  • https://sejurnal.com/
  • https://www.hinorajanyatruk.com/
  • https://pmb.stimbudibakti.ac.id/doc/
  • https://library.stimbudibakti.ac.id/source/
  • https://tracerstudy.sttpj.ac.id/data/
  • slot gacor/
  • slot gacor
  • https://renata.bpsdmd.jatengprov.go.id/public/data/
  • https://elibrary.staiduba.ac.id/
  • https://stikesphi.ac.id/file/
  • http://elearning.politeknikssr.ac.id/dosen/data/
  • https://sidamulya-sidareja.cilacapkab.go.id/
  • https://www.liga367.id/
  • https://liga367.shop/