Starting a business
Starting a business is the easiest thing to do in this world. On average as a company we help register (with URSB) about 5-10 businesses every month 60-120 a year. Am not sure how many new businesses Uganda Registration Services Bureau registers a year but taking a wild guess I’d say 10k give or take.
So yes, starting a business isn’t that hard a feat more so in this era of social media. You open a free company page on any popular social media site, print a few business cards and give yourself the most prestigeous titles in the world, C.E.O, C.O.O I mean whatever title soothes your ego. Then go around telling whoever cares to listen that you have a business. If your more serious about it, go a head and register it, get a website for it and enjoy the idea of being your own boss.
That’s very easy a thing to do,it’s like writing a hit song. Any one can wake up one day and accidently writes a hit song like Jerusalem that’s a global chart burster. The challenge and real success is in doing it over and over again. Not with just one hit, but another, and another after that one. That’s how you become a musical great not a one hit wonder. It’s the same with business.The ability to get it right and persistently and consistently keep at it delivering the same results and experience over and over again.That’s what makes a succesful business and that’s the hardest part of business otherwise like a one hit wonder you’ll be nowhere to be seen in a couple of months or years.

So as you go into business, find the right formula and as a must document it. Deliver the same out put in regards to customer experience, managing of your team, managing of money, marketing,sales and product or service quality. Yes, business success is a result of a cocktail of things, there’s no single silver bullet. Once you master those different aspects of a succesful business and consistently keep delivering the same great out put on all those fronts then you have a succesful business for life/ages.

I was talking to the guy who delivers flowers to the house every Monday for our table flower vase cuz babe just loves looking at flowers. I told him consistency is key.You can’t bring poor flowers today, then good ones tommorow after I’ve complained then fairly good ones the next time more so when we have a long term contract. We agree deliveries every Monday then you deliver Wednesday this week,Tuesday next week without actual consistency. It’s not about just doing it, the key is in how you do it and maintaining that. That’s what creates the consistency in customer experience. Sure I love giving free and unsolicited advise to people I do business with before I chose to terminate our working relationship incase in case I don’t see change. Am happy he has been trying to put in effort but I told him he should digger deeper as I will be expecting nothing short of the best and more so with consistency because in the end that’s what keeps clients coming back.
The life line of any business is repeat sells and only consistency in delivery can gaurantee that. Your business is a good as your last great transaction with your client. That’s what makes a business, that’s the hardest part of it all. Waking up every day and doing the same right thing producing the same great output day in day out. That’s what keeps you in business beyond the 2 years they say 80% of startups die before they reaching.
That’s what has kept YOUNG TREPS in business for 5 years counting and growing.
Jaluum Herberts Luwizza is a Speaker,Writer, Columnist with the C.E.O Magazine and Contributor with the Nile Post.He is also a Business Consultant with YOUNG TREP East Africa’s No.1 Business Management and Consultancy firm that helps people start and grow profitable businesses.twitter:jaluwizza
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