Jaluum Luwizza Herberts started writing about small businesses that we all under look but they can actually improve your cash flows and sometimes these simple businesses pay more than a middle class white color job.
Thanks to Herbert Odankie Mucunguzi for you mentorship via the social media platform(Facebook).So I decided that I will be asking and interviewing people with these small businesses and yesterday when I was done with a meeting in Kamwokya Acacia mall I decided that I walk through the Kamwokya ghetto and I observed how busy the place is with these small businesses, I walked through down the Northern-by- pass where I found a young lady age 18-20 called Viola.

Viola sells fruit platters/packaged fruits and even when I have never bought from these vendors on the road especially that type of setting I decided that I buy from her and then we begin walking as I interviewed her. She told me that her capital per day is 10k which she uses to buy the fruits that she cuts from Kalerwe Market and then she packages, and then she moves to sell these products to cars in jam and she walks all the way to Kisasi town to sell these products for the whole day.
Her capital of 10k she produces 23 packs of these fruits and sells each at 1000 shillings only making 23,000 thousand shillings only making profit of 13000 thousand shillings per day (390,000) monthly. So youth out there who graduated from school three years ago and more complaining about jobs and Opportunities should stop complaining about the government and start working as they wait for the best government in their minds.
Jaluum Herberts Luwizza is a Speaker,Writer, Columnist with the C.E.O Magazine and Contributor with the Nile Post.He is also a Business Consultant with YOUNG TREP East Africa’s No.1 Business Management and Consultancy firm that helps people start and grow profitable businesses.twitter:jaluwizza
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