Two innocent mistakes made that become a problem in future

There’s something I have see happen over and over again when it comes to registering TINs (Tax Identification Number) and I think it’s wrong.It unknowingly gets people into a tricky situation with time.
People say am so straight.
Yes, am a big fan of doing the right thing the right way. Am so big on getting it right with no kinks or dents here and there.
Many people who get sourced to help register TINs (personal or business) are more after getting it done than getting it done right. I love doing things so fast too but that should never substitute doing things right to the dot.
When registering a TIN or VAT the applicant has to sign the application form but most times the people who are assigned the job decide to do it for the applicant thinking they’re saving the client the hustle of moving up and down.
I mean it’s a mere signature and who will know its not for the client so they think. The fault with this is time comes when the client wants to say sell their car and they have to sign and boom their signature is not like what they used when applying for the TIN. That’s just one example how small mistakes can prove costly at some point in the future. There many other examples….

Avoid coming up with fake businesses

The other thing is coming up with a fake business/investements as a source of income to be able to get a TIN. Most times this is done without even informing the client and a few years later they start getting mails from the tax man about failing to file returns for a business they never knew they even had in the first place hahaha.
So as you source people to register for you these things be cautious and be involved. Some people are just after getting it done and getting paid without minding about doing the right thing to the dot. After all they won’t be there in the future when it catches up with you.
Jaluum Herberts Luwizza is a Speaker,Writer, Columnist with the C.E.O Magazine and Contributor with the Nile Post.He is also a Business Consultant with YOUNG TREP East Africa’s No.1 Business Management and Consultancy firm that helps people start and grow profitable businesses.
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