The cost of business success is so small. It’s simply things that dont even cost money.Yesterday I was talking to a friend about the cost of business success and he shared with me his sttory. He has a friend who makes furniture, so one day he decided to contract him to do for him some work and he went a head to give him the money to do the work.
I’ll be done in four days he said to him. Actually it will be three days but let’s give ourselves an extra day just incase. He told him, all he wanted was a good job rand even if the work came within a week it would still be fine. After a week he started calling this carpenter friend of his and he started avoiding his calls.
After two weeks he decided to go to his workshop where he found the friend hadn’t done even 20% of work. He was so disappointed and decided not to argue with him. He gave the job to some one else who ended up doing a great job at almost half the price. He realised his friend had inflated prices heavily. Since then, he decided to terminate any business ties or relations with him and retained mere friendship.

A few years later this friend complains that he nolonger gives him work or recommends him. How would I recommend such a guy, he asked me. There’s no way I said, it would come back to haunt you. Just like that the carpenter lost a client but also a person with a great network he would have benefited alot from in terms of referrals. Many small businesses die out or fail because of that, lack of intergrity and professionalism.

Like my mechanic once said, there’s alot of money in this town. You just have to be truthful and honest and all the customers will come to you. Put the spares you say your going put, don’t over price because some how the clients will always get to know anf feel cheated hence never coming back to you. Many mechanics are good but they lack those things, he said.

Its actually funny that these things that make the difference between failure and success dont even need money to have.They are not things you have to buy with money.

Jaluum Herberts Luwizza is a Speaker,Writer, Columnist with the C.E.O Magazine and Contributor with the Nile Post.He is also a Business Consultant with YOUNG TREP East Africa’s No.1 Business Management and Consultancy firm that helps people start and grow profitable businesses.
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